downward.experiment — Fast Downward experiment


The FastDownwardExperiment class makes it easy to write “standard” experiments with little boilerplate code, but it assumes a rigid experiment structure: it only allows you to run each added algorithm on each added task, and individual runs cannot easily be customized. An example for this is the experiment. If you need more flexibility, you can use the lab.experiment.Experiment class instead and fill it by using FastDownwardAlgorithm, FastDownwardRun, CachedFastDownwardRevision, and Task objects. The script shows an example. All of these classes are documented below.

class downward.experiment.FastDownwardExperiment(path=None, environment=None, revision_cache=None)[source]

Conduct a Fast Downward experiment.

The most important methods for customizing an experiment are add_algorithm(), add_suite(), add_parser(), add_step() and add_report().


To build the experiment, execute its runs and fetch the results, add the following steps:

>>> exp = FastDownwardExperiment()
>>> exp.add_step("build",
>>> exp.add_step("start", exp.start_runs)
>>> exp.add_fetcher(name="fetch")

See lab.experiment.Experiment for an explanation of the path and environment parameters.

revision_cache is the directory for caching Fast Downward revisions. It defaults to <scriptdir>/data/revision-cache. This directory can become very large since each revision uses about 30 MB.

>>> from lab.environments import BaselSlurmEnvironment
>>> env = BaselSlurmEnvironment(email="")
>>> exp = FastDownwardExperiment(environment=env)

You can add parsers with add_parser(). See Parser for how to write custom parsers and Bundled parsers for the list of built-in parsers. Which parsers you should use depends on the algorithms you’re running. For single-search experiments, we recommend adding the following parsers in this order:

>>> exp.add_parser(exp.EXITCODE_PARSER)
>>> exp.add_parser(exp.TRANSLATOR_PARSER)
>>> exp.add_parser(exp.SINGLE_SEARCH_PARSER)
>>> exp.add_parser(exp.PLANNER_PARSER)
add_algorithm(name, repo, rev, component_options, build_options=None, driver_options=None)[source]

Add a Fast Downward algorithm to the experiment, i.e., a planner configuration in a given repository at a given revision.

name is a string describing the algorithm (e.g. "issue123-lmcut").

repo must be a path to a Fast Downward repository.

rev must be a valid revision in the given repository (e.g., "e9c2370e6", "my-branch", "issue123").

component_options must be a list of strings. By default these options are passed to the search component. Use "--translate-options", "--preprocess-options" or "--search-options" within the component options to override the default for the following options, until overridden again.

If given, build_options must be a list of strings. They will be passed to the script. Options can be build names (e.g., "releasenolp"), options (e.g., "--debug") or options for Make. If build_options is omitted, the "release" version is built.

If given, driver_options must be a list of strings. They will be passed to the script. See --help for available options. The list is always prepended with ["--validate", "--overall-time-limit", "30m", "--overall-memory-limit', "3584M"]. Specifying custom limits overrides the default limits.

Example experiment setup:

>>> import os
>>> exp = FastDownwardExperiment()
>>> repo = os.environ["DOWNWARD_REPO"]
>>> rev = "main"

Run iPDB using the latest revision on the main branch:

>>> exp.add_algorithm("ipdb", repo, rev, ["--search", "astar(ipdb())"])

Run blind search in debug mode:

>>> exp.add_algorithm(
...     "blind",
...     repo,
...     rev,
...     ["--search", "astar(blind())"],
...     build_options=["--debug"],
...     driver_options=["--debug"],
... )

Run LAMA-2011 with custom planner time limit:

>>> exp.add_algorithm(
...     "lama",
...     repo,
...     rev,
...     [],
...     driver_options=[
...         "--alias",
...         "seq-saq-lama-2011",
...         "--overall-time-limit",
...         "5m",
...     ],
... )
add_suite(benchmarks_dir, suite)[source]

Add PDDL or SAS+ benchmarks to the experiment.

benchmarks_dir must be a path to a benchmark directory. It must contain domain directories, which in turn hold PDDL or SAS+ files (ending with “.pddl” or “.sas”).

suite must be a list of domain or domain:task names.

>>> benchmarks_dir = os.environ["DOWNWARD_BENCHMARKS"]
>>> exp = FastDownwardExperiment()
>>> exp.add_suite(benchmarks_dir, ["depot", "gripper"])
>>> exp.add_suite(benchmarks_dir, ["gripper:prob01.pddl"])
>>> exp.add_suite(benchmarks_dir, [""])

One source for benchmarks is After cloning the repo, you can generate suites with the script. We recommend using the suite optimal_strips for optimal STRIPS planners and satisficing for satisficing planners:

# Create standard optimal planning suite. $
path/to/downward-benchmarks/ optimal_strips ['airport',
..., 'zenotravel']

Then you can copy the generated list into your experiment script:

>>> exp.add_suite(benchmarks_dir, ["airport", "zenotravel"])

Bundled parsers

The following constants are paths to default parsers that can be passed to exp.add_parser(). The “Used attributes” and “Parsed attributes” lists describe the dependencies between the parsers.


Parsed attributes: “error”, “planner_exit_code”, “unsolvable”.


Parsed attributes: “translator_peak_memory”, “translator_time_done”, etc.


Parsed attributes: “coverage”, “memory”, “total_time”, etc.


Parsed attributes: “cost”, “cost:all”, “coverage”.


Used attributes: “memory”, “total_time”, “translator_peak_memory”, “translator_time_done”.

Parsed attributes: “node”, “planner_memory”, “planner_time”, “planner_wall_clock_time”, “score_planner_memory”, “score_planner_time”.

class downward.experiment.FastDownwardAlgorithm(name: str, cached_revision: CachedFastDownwardRevision, driver_options, component_options)[source]

A Fast Downward algorithm is the combination of revision, driver options and component options.


An instance of CachedFastDownwardRevision.


Component options, e.g., ["--search", "astar(lmcut())"].


Driver options, e.g., ["--build", "debug"].


Algorithm name, e.g., "rev123:astar-lmcut".

class downward.experiment.FastDownwardRun(exp: Experiment, algo: FastDownwardAlgorithm, task: Task)[source]

An experiment run that uses algo to solve task.

See Run for inherited methods.

class downward.cached_revision.CachedFastDownwardRevision(revision_cache, repo, rev, build_options, subdir='')[source]

This class represents Fast Downward checkouts.

It provides methods for caching compiled revisions, so they can be reused quickly in different experiments.

  • revision_cache: Path to revision cache.

  • repo: Path to Fast Downward repository.

  • rev: Fast Downward revision.

  • build_options: List of options.

  • subdir: relative path from repo to Fast Downward subdir.


Check out the solver revision to self.path and compile the solver.


Return a path relative to the experiment directory.

Use this function to find out where files from the cache will be put in the experiment directory.

downward.suites — Select benchmarks

class downward.suites.Task(domain: str, problem: str, problem_file, domain_file=None, properties=None)[source]

domain and problem are the display names of the domain and problem, domain_file and problem_file are paths to the respective files on the disk. If domain_file is not given, assume that problem_file is a SAS task.

properties may be a dictionary of entries that should be added to the properties file of each run that uses this problem.

>>> task = Task(
...     "gripper",
...     "p01.pddl",
...     problem_file="/path/to/prob01.pddl",
...     domain_file="/path/to/domain.pddl",
...     properties={"relaxed": False},
... )
downward.suites.build_suite(benchmarks_dir, descriptions)[source]

Compute a list of Task objects.

The path benchmarks_dir must contain a subdir for each domain.

descriptions must be a list of domain or problem descriptions:

build_suite(benchmarks_dir, ["gripper", "grid:prob01.pddl"])